Last November 13, Jun and Zed Avecilla of Subic Sailing Club visited Hebe Haven Yacht Club (HHYC) and met with Rob Allen, Sail Training Centre Manger of Hebe Haven Yacht Club together with Mike Rawbone and Mark Houghton, co-founders of Sailability Hong Kong Ltd (SHKL). The intention of the visit was to discuss an opportunity to have some boats donated to the Subic Sailing School to help in their “learn-to-sail” programs. The donation is composed of dinghy boats, safety boats, kayaks and even a “Sailabilty” boat for disabled sailors.
Some of the boats of HHYC such as the lasers are club members owned which are in good condition and some by the club itself that will require a little or minor repair and new sails, and safety rubber boats with fairly good working engines. SHKL is giving away a Hansa 303 boat for disabled sailors. There are also kayaks complete with paddles that could be used for coaching on the water that they will also pinch in.
“The boats would be a great boost to beef up our dinghy fleet and offer disabled sailors in Subic Bay an opportunity to enjoy sailing," said Jun Avecilla, Immediate Past International Commodore of International Yachting Fellowship of Rotarians and Commodore of the Subic Sailing Club
“We truly appreciate the warm hospitality. We feel very blessed to have met these people who are willing to help and spread the love of boating to everyone.” said Zed Avecilla, Executive Director of Subic Sailing Club.
In 2012, SSC has received a donation of five (5) Flying Fifteen sailboats from the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Flying Fifteen Association. The boats are now part of a fleet of 6 Streaker Dinghies and a U28 keelboat (also donated by a local SSC member). The shipment to Subic Bay of the FF15s was funded by an IYFR grant given to the Subic Bay and Cubao West Fleets.
This opportunity will not be possible if not for the efforts of one of the Subic Sailing Club members, Captain Noel Porcuna a retired airline pilot who just recently started learning how to sail through the Club’s Sailing program. Captain Noel was the one who first visited Hebe Haven several months prior.
It was during that visit that he got to meet with Rob and had discussions about sailing programs. A few months later Mark Houghton visited the Subic Bay and met with Capt Noel, Marcus, and Zed and discussed about this wonderful opportunity of receiving boat donation from Hebe Haven.
Rob and Mike want the boats to be shipped by mid-December and the shipping cost will be around US$4-5000 for a 40ft container door to door. Bringing the boats over may not be a big problem but to put them in sailing shape and keep it that way would be the greater challenge.
The IYFR Philippine Fleet is seeking the help of sponsors and our international Fleets in its continuous expansion to promote sail training to the underprivileged youth and dependents of IYFR Fleet Members so that they maybe introduced to the sport of sailing and at the same time help disabled sailors to also have a feel of the enjoyment of sailing and competition.
It is truly wonderful when people come together and work on such a noble thing such as this.
Subic Sailing Club is all about spreading the love of sailing and teaching people how to sail is one of its advocacies. This is why the Subic Sailing School is an integral part of the program. Find out how you can help. Click here!